
A True Test of Academic Intelligence


Guidelines of Examinations for the Students:

  • Students are not allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card.
  • They are advised to take black/blue color dot-pens to the examination hall.
  • They are not allowed to carry cell phone, calculators (If not mentioned), water bottles, bags and money bags to the examination hall.
  • They are not allowed to talk and exchange question paper inside the examination hall during examination.
  • They cannot leave the hall without the permission of invigilator.
  • They are not allowed to exchange any items like pen, pencils or any other items.
  • They are not allowed to use any other paper for rough works except answer script.
  • They are not allowed to leave the hall up to first one hour after the commencement of examinations.
  • They are not allowed to change their seat during the examinations except the permission of invigilator.